The fun of traveling begins from the preparation!
Think of transportation, walking around the city, activities, and excitement at the hotel.
ROOTOTE will help you have a more fun outing trip.
With people's desire to go out on the go increasing, we would like to once again recommend "hoodie roo" and "Grande Box" for everyday use and travel!
Comes with a loop for attaching to a carry case.
Perfect size for carry-on luggage.
LT.hoodie roo.Enchant-A / 1133
The Grande Box is perfect for when you need to carry a lot of stuff with you when traveling.
The box gusset provides excellent storage capacity, making it perfect for "fan activities."
It comes with a drawstring bag, perfect for carrying your favorite slippers or a change of clothes.
SC.Grande Box.Glisson-A / 1162
Meckel = to catch someone's eye...
To meet as if by chance .
Go out and discover fun things! Delicious food, beautiful scenery, interesting things,
Would you like to meet wonderful people and exciting things?
Ceoroo is a washable, compact, and ultra-lightweight tote bag that you can carry on your back.
You'll want to travel light and go to all kinds of places!
Take me with you all together.
A mesh tote that drains easily, perfect for spas and bathrooms.
A new large size has also been released, which can be used to carry a face towel inside.
You can move the dividers to suit the contents.
You can take your bath products and face towels with you to the bath or spa.
You can also fold the top inward to make it smaller.
Perfect for carrying your smartphone and other accessories when going out for a quick trip or moving around inside a hotel.
A light and fluffy sacoche available in 6 colors.
It's a small, tote-shaped cushion-like charm.
This fluffy charm can be used to store small items such as keys and earrings.
You can carry the thermos bottle like a water bottle.
Use Botox to refresh.
Can also be used as a smartphone case
The shoulder strap is removable.